Hilltop High School
Out with the old, Sears...in with the new, ~76,000 sq ft medical center and 240 townhomes!
Upcoming Events:
Camping Trip: William Heise Camp Trip. Thanks to Lynne Trail Boss Moss for organizing our mountain get away. We will check in on November 4 and check out November 7 at William Heise Campground. We look forward to seeing classmates come up for the day or perhaps some will enjoy staying in Julian and getting together at the campground. We'll be in sites 17-19. Menus will be posted as we get closer to November.
Christmas Open House: at the Paine’s December 14. It's time to get your Jingle Bells jingling and perhaps find those Ugly Christmas sweaters. The Paine's Annual Christmas Open House is just around the corner.
Camping Trip:: November specific date to be arranged by Lynne Trail Boss Moss
Christmas Open House; the Paine’s December 13
60th Reunion: Mid year
Camping Trip: November specific date to be arranged by Lynne Trail Boss Moss.
Christmas Open House: at the Paine’s December 12
Please keep in mind that the Christmas Open House (always 2nd Saturday of December) and the camping trips are recurring each year.
We are always open to lame excuses to get together, so please let us know. Also, if any one wants to head up a mini reunion the website will gladly spread the word.
Now, Stay classy Hilltop66